All you need to know about a Job Requisition


As we all know, the careers pages of any corporate website serve as a key to having an effective online talent acquisition strategy. This is probably the reason why most corporate websites use a career site builder. If you are not yet that familiar with what a Career Site Builder does, it simply enables the ability for non-technical users to build a responsive Career Site on a Recruiting Marketing platform. For example, instead of filling out a form, it helps create a job requisition when department heads have a need for an additional workforce or replacing the existing one.

A job requisition is an internal document that a department head uses in order to request for opening vacant positions to hire new employees. It basically contains the reason why there is a need to create a new position including the details about the possible budget allocation for this new recruitment process. 

To put it simply, a job requisition is used to request a new hire while documenting the justification of why it is needed, and determining how much this new recruitment will cost the company.

Which is which: Requisition, Description of Posting?

A job requisition is often confused with a job description or job posting. Let’s try to differentiate the three.

As we have discussed earlier, job requisitions include the justification or the reason behind the need to hire a new employee. This is usually an internal document and includes all the information that is needed such as the role in the team, the required skill set, the budget needed to hire a new employee, and even the details of the one being replaced if it is a replacement. 

Meanwhile, a job description simply lists the roles and responsibilities that is needed to fulfill a certain job position. Job descriptions are found within job requisitions and requisitions contain more information than job descriptions.

A job posting is an entirely different thing. Whereas a job requisition is purely internal, a job posting can be released internally or externally. This is the one that job applicants see as an announcement or public advertisement for vacant positions in a company which is written by a recruiter or copywriter and is based on the job description.

The job postings are created for the job applicants, and they also include basic information found in a requisition such as the position, job description, and salary range. But again, job requisitions are for internal purposes only.

The Anatomy of a Job Requisition Form

Here are the important components of a requisition form and a brief explanation of each one:

    • The job requisition should always provide the Job title or the position that the job requisition is created for. It must fit the job requirements.
    • Always include the name of the department where the new hire is going to be assigned (i.e. Marketing, Creative Team, Logistics, etc).
    • Do not forget to add the one who initiated the job requisition – the hiring manager.
    • The coverage of the job that that new hire is expected to do or the role that he/she needs to fulfill should be included in the job description or job role.
  • There are various reasons why a company will need to hire a new employee. The reason behind that, or the requisition reason, should be explained here. It can be due to replacement, where the person previously assigned to the role resigned, transferred, retired, or was promoted, etc. Or it can be a new role to be filled in because of the demand or the need to create a new job role.
    • The salary range is just an approximate salary range for the role that is needed for budgeting.
    • Include the proposed starting date for the role.
  • It is important to include the type of employment in the job requisition. Is it a Full time or Part-time job? Exempt or Nonexempt? Permanent contract or just temporary? Whichever it is, it is important to provide the duration of the term, especially if the job is temporary.
  • The qualification lists down the qualifications required for the job position. College degree or vocational course? How many years of working experience? Is there a specific certification required for the job?
  • Last but not the list, you have to include the budget. Especially if it is a new role that needs adjustment to the company’s overall expenses.

Overall, the important thing in writing a job requisition form is to provide as many details as possible in a straightforward and direct manner. Providing all the details will make your new hire request more likely to be approved. Remember that the reason behind the need for a job requisition has a great benefit to human resources processes in times when there is a need for sudden replacement, etc. When the job requisition processes are properly documented, the company can easily look for a temporary or permanent replacement should the need arise urgently because all information is already there.

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