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HomeBusinessWhy Poor Employee Engagement Could End Your Business

Why Poor Employee Engagement Could End Your Business

There are lots of things that can make or break your business. But the number one driving force that can propel a company to success or failure is your team. Without a good team, your business won’t succeed. But having a good team who are working to their full potential is something entirely different, and this difference is crucial. In order to keep your team at their most productive in a way that is beneficial for your business. You will need to boost your employee engagement. If you don’t, your business could crumble.

What is employee engagement?

Employee engagement refers to the motivation and passion of your staff. If your staff are happy at work, they’re more likely to be engaged in their job, and employee engagement is vital and something all businesses should strive for if they want to succeed.

Why is employee engagement important?

When your employees are happy, they are motivated to do a good job and do it with enthusiasm.

If your employees are disengaged, their levels of accuracy will decrease because they don’t care as much about their work or the quality of it. This could directly affect your business’ reputation and have a real negative impact on the success of your company.

Not only this, poor employee engagement has a direct link to employee retention. If you have a constant rotation of people leaving, you’ll need to spend money on job adverts. When you eventually hire someone, your existing staff will need to take time to teach them, and this eats into productivity time which could also negatively impact your business as deadlines could easily be missed.

How to spot poor employee engagement

There will always be days when your team is unhappy or not in ‘work-mode’. But this is different from being disengaged in their job. If you notice the quality of work your team is producing is decreasing. Or if things are starting to slip on a regular basis. It could be an indicator that they’re overall unhappy in their job. In this case, you will need to take action.

How to boost employee engagement

If you think your employees aren’t fully engaged. There are ways you can boost their engagement and get them back to their former potential.

Positive praise

Sometimes, if employees don’t get positive praise they can feel like they’re not valued, and this can result in them becoming disinterested in their job. An easy way to fix this is to ensure you give some reassurance to your team on a regular basis. This doesn’t mean constantly telling them they’re doing a good job. But every once in a while you can have a one-to-one and tell them what they’ve done well to help boost morale. If an employee feels like their work is appreciated. They’re likely to want to do a good job in order to get more recognition which means they’ll work harder and with more accuracy.

Improve communication

Make sure you have regular conversations with everyone on your team so you know exactly what issues they might be facing and so you can prevent problems moving forward. Simply asking them what they feel could make their jobs easier or make work more enjoyable could go a long way to keeping your office a pleasant environment that everyone feels comfortable in and eager to improve.

Employee experience

A big part of improving staff engagement comes from giving your employees a pleasant experience. If your office is dull and uninspiring. Your staff might not particularly want to spend time there which will drive down their engagement. Making sure the office is inviting, vibrant and a relaxed place to be is key to keeping your team happy and motivated. Another thing to consider is the benefits you offer them such as flexible working. A good pension scheme, substantial annual leave, work nights out and lifestyle spending accounts to cover the costs of their wellness process, click here for more on this:


If your employees feel like they’re valued, are offered good incentives, and have a pleasant place to work, they’re more likely to want to do a good job and your company will reap the rewards of the motivation that comes from this, so make sure you look after your staff if they’re going to look after your business.

I’m Sada, the founder of, where I blend expertise in global markets with a passion for simplifying complex financial trends. Since launching the platform, I’ve been dedicated to providing readers with actionable insights and trusted analysis to help them navigate the dynamic world of business and investing. Together, let’s stay informed and ahead of the curve. WhatsApp +447389188034

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