8 Reasons Why Aviation Software Is Important


The aviation industry is an extremely complex one that features multiple supply chains. Numerous operations that all come together to make one flight possible. A million things could go wrong handling flight operations, and a single mistake can likely cost hundreds of innocent lives. Hence, aviation companies need to be utterly organized and manage all daily operations with utter efficiency, and little to no room for errors. To do so, aviation companies should consider using aviation software, which can be used by commercial operators, rotary operators, and small fixed-wing operators alike, and listed below are five reasons why aviation software and its use are important:

Aviation software enables data accuracy

Humans tend to make mistakes that are characterized by tiredness or lack of attention. Hence, the more automated and IT-supported your operations are, the lesser is room for any sort of error. Although your aviation software is only as accurate as of the data you enter into it, such software checks the accuracy of the data entered by using viable ranges and predefined formats for what’s right and what isn’t. 

Aviation software enables increased control

Aviation software allows its users to have increased control by showing them any changes that have been made. Identifying any recurring trends, document history, timestamps, etc. It allows relevant users to have full control over documents within their integrated system and software, allows them to disseminate access, allows them to view how and who makes changes or additions to documents, and allows them to save multiple versions.

Aviation software allows cradle-to-grave inventory management

Cradle-to-grave inventory management essentially involves the management of both on-wing and off-wing affairs of an airline company. This includes inventory management for all assets, rotables, perishables, and human resources. This is an integral part of managing everyday aviation operations and aviation companies need well-built and reliable software to do so.

Aviation software enables open data architecture

Open data architecture essentially means that all your company data remains safe in the software but cannot be accessed by the software developer or the software company in any way. The data the aviation company maintains in the software belongs completely to them, cannot be used or accessed by the software company. Can be exported and customized by the aviation company as per their liking.

Aviation software supports inspection and audits

Since the aviation industry is a heavily regulated one, it is very common for aviation companies. Regulatory authorities to hold regular inspections and audits. Hence, the aviation software used should be inspection and audit friendly. Most aviation software lets users to maintain and update all necessary inspection documents, develop inspection programs, generate audit reports, create inspection sheets, and manage any repositories.

Aviation software allows you to manage in-flight operations

While this may not be too obvious, aviation software allows users to manage in-flight operations such as catering. Since passengers need to be served meals, snacks, and beverages. Passengers may have notified the airline about their food preferences and/or allergies earlier. Such software is necessary to ensure all passengers have matched their food choices accordingly.

Aviation software allows cargo management

Cargo management is a crucial aspect of flight operations with thousands of passengers carrying multiple bags and traveling to different destinations with numerous stepovers – managing cargo can be quite a task. Hence, aviation companies need sophisticated systems that can manage all cargo efficiently.

Aviation software allows revenue analysis

Aviation companies can use aviation software to understand their revenue and expense more detailedly and gain insights accordingly. This is true for aviation software that has in-built accounting capabilities.