Get Your Game On: 8 Gaming Room Setup Ideas


You have the gear, the PC or console, and the ideal space to game. Yet do you find your space just does not look as impressive as the ones you see online? If so, then you need our help to revamp your gaming room.

Luckily, with just a few changes it can look highly professional and you can have the perfect gaming space. Read on for our essential guide to gaming room setup ideas.

1. The Light and Airy

This gaming setup is great if you need a gaming room that seamlessly blends into the decor of your house without looking intrusive. It works best in a room that has an abundance of natural light.

This type of gaming room operates on a comfort policy. Lay down a thick rug, then cover it with bean bags and poufs. This is ideal if the game room will be a family orientated area.

For this type of look, it works best to go for a standard TV console as opposed to a desk. Choose one with lots of space and shelving underneath, so you can line up your games and put your controllers into neat boxes. Luckily, that large console will allow an even larger TV which can also double up as your home theatre.

Finally, place standing lamps towards the back of the room. This creates atmospheric light that will not mute the colors and look of your gaming experience.

2. The Micro

The micro gaming room is one that offers very little space. It may be a small box bedroom or office. Luckily, gaming setup ideas for small rooms are plentiful and it is often easier to make a small space look better than a large one.

The joy of a small gaming room is that the whole experience can be made much more immersive, without the need for large, powerful additions. For example, you do not need the best speakers on the market, just a small set that delivers exceptional sound.

It is also the same for lighting. A few well-placed lamps or LED lights can create an all-enclosed, futuristic feel to the room. A medium-sized screen or television can seem huge because you will be much closer to it.

The only major problem with a small space is storage. If you choose a gaming desk, make sure you have one with shelving for the keyboard and mouse. You may decide to mount shelving behind the gaming space to keep books and memorabilia on.

Depending upon the shape of the room, a bulky gaming chair may not be appropriate. You may wish to consider a standard, furniture store-bought chair that brings just as much comfort.

3. The PC Room

A PC gaming room has to be very specific. It requires different space considerations to console gaming rooms, which can easily hide away the gaming system. In fact, a PC gaming room definitely lives by the mantra that bigger is better.

Firstly, you need a large desk. This does not have to specifically be a gaming desk. In fact, you can often find bigger, more suitable desks at furniture stores.

Don’t forget a big, long mousemat. The last thing you need is your gaming mouse slipping, causing you to misfire.

After this, get the most comfortable chair you possibly can. It can be a specific gaming chair, or you may choose to just go with a large, plush office seat. Make sure it has armrests for those long, tough sessions.

No matter how big your main screen is, it always looks amazing to have a dual-screen setup. This gives you a much better field of vision, increasing your strategy. If your budget does not stretch to this, then try to get the largest single monitor possible.

Finally, you need a super-powerful gaming PC. Some people opt for laptops but if you have space and do not want to be mobile, then you may as well go for a powerful tower model. You can browse some of the best at

4. The Home Office

Desks and swivel chairs are commonplace in both gaming rooms and offices, so it should not be that hard to use them for the same purpose. The problem comes when you want to look professional, but also have the feel and aesthetic of your gaming room as well.

The trick here is to your gaming room set up down the middle. One-half of the room can contain your desk, chair, and gaming equipment. The wall behind this is the one where you should place shelving and stack up all your games and memorabilia.

Not only will you get to look at it when on your long sessions, but when you are on a conference call, people on the other end will not be able to see it. The wall behind you can be decorated in much more befitting, professional images.

If you have space, try to add a small sofa at the bottom. Coupled with a small coffee table, you will also have an area to chat and discuss business if you ever have visitors to the home.

5. The Immersive

The immersive experience requires space and quite a financial outlay. However, this space can double up as a home theatre. If done correctly, this can even add value to your property.

The first consideration is your screen. In these large spaces, many people choose to install a projector. This will give you an authentic cinema feel.

With this visual treat, the sound needs to match. You need to get the crispest, most powerful sound system you can. Make sure it is a surround sound system, and get a professional set up so the experience comes from all directions.

Once you have the basics, add some comfort. If you are doubling up as a home theatre, then large sofas or cinema-style seating are the best options. A lone gaming chair may not be enough and could look out of place.

Unfortunately, this type of setup is not conducive to PC gaming. As you need to be near the computer and monitor to use your mouse and keyboard, it will only work if you get wireless peripherals. Even then, you would have to have a surface to put them on which could look out of place in a cinema-style room.

6. The Retro Collector

The retro collector is one for the vintage enthusiast. It allows a space for all those Sega Genesis systems, Atari 2600 games, and NES cartridges. In fact, it not only stores them but lets them shine.

The key to this gaming room setup is to focus not on the gaming area itself, but on the items in the collection. Install display cabinets to the back of the gaming area to show off the collectible items. If you are still using the consoles, then get a large desk that lets you house a modern monitor and a CRT television, for a dash of authenticity.

Vintage consoles do bring a lot of messy wires with them. Keep the room tidy with a few well-placed cable boxes.

7. The Arcade

The arcade is similar to the retro collector look, but a lot darker and more mysterious. In fact, you should aim to make the room as dark as possible. It should only be lit with neon lamps and retro signage.

The ultimate accessory for this is the classic arcade machine. While authentic ones are expensive, you can now get replicas from companies such as Arcade1Up. If the room is big enough, you may even choose to combine it with a pinball machine or table soccer.

For decoration, try to source some authentic arcade flyers and videogame posters. When framed, they will be a real talking point for anyone visiting the room.

8. The Bar

The bar is the best gaming room setup if you need a multifunction space. You may have sports memorabilia or a large liquor collection that needs housing. By turning it into a multifunction space, you can enjoy it alone or with friends.

To maximize the social aspect, place your screen in the correct position. You want it away from the bar area, so people have to move away from the drinks to play or view it. This means you have one area for conversation and another for gaming.

Decor in a bar can be pretty easygoing. Old beer signs and sporting flags can mix easily with your gaming setup. If you play a lot of sports games, you may even want to theme it with items from your favorite team.

Finally, get some cool bar-themed games to go in the room. Darts or arcade machines will work well, as can a trusty air hockey table.

Implementing Gaming Room Setup Ideas

Now you have the gaming room setup ideas, you just need to decide which is for you. Work out space considerations first, then construct a budget. This may go towards furniture, gadgets, or decorating, to provide the best gaming experience possible!

If you enjoyed our article, then let us help you with the rest of your gaming. From tech reviews to new releases, our blog has everything to bring your gaming experience to perfection!