Transforming your business to digital with consultant Eric Minoli

Eric Minoli

When transforming your business to digital, you are integrating digital technology into all areas of your business. There is no better consultant to meet for your transformation than Eric Minoli.

Who is Eric Minoli and his agency Calimero Consulting

Eric Minoli is a serial inventor and saboteur.  He blends the inventiveness and contingency of a digital media businessman with the rigorous preparation and proper perspective of a process engineer. For thirty years, he has bravely stretched the bounds of what is achievable in the realm of academic and communication industries. Eric Minoli has won several honors for his services in private, non-profit, and federal organizations throughout the world. His agency, Calimero Consulting, is a well-known research company that has achieved a lot of things. The company is located in Canada.

His Career and history

His employment and schooling in Canada, the United States, France, India, and Brazil has given him a solid multidisciplinary and practical worldwide perspective. The University of Provence (France), McGill University (Canada), and the University of California, Berkeley (California) awarded him a Bachelor’s degree and a Certificate in Digital Transformation.

On numerous boards and panels, including Les Médias Francophone Publiques,, the International Federation of Television Archives, TFO, and Université de l’Ontario Français, he has been a leader.

His main interests include global geopolitics, fine cuisine, and cutting-edge technology. Eric Minoli enjoys traveling with his partner and is presently pursuing a career as a maîtres-fromager, the cheese equivalent of a winemaker. People say he’s easy to speak to, a skilled trader, tenacious, and always on the lookout for ways to save money.

His Services 

Eric Minoli consultant calimero consulting after tfoEric Minoli assists you with using technology to improve delivery of results, generate efficiency, and turn an idea into actuality. On top of all of that, his expertise also extends to helping companies realize their visions via data-driven decision making as well as organizational restructuring.

Translating a vision into reality

When translating a vision into reality, Eric does the following;

  • Project management in a strategic way
  • Developing a plan to achieve the strategy’s goals
  • Using process engineering in order to achieve desired outcomes
  • Establishing specific, attainable, and timely objectives
  • Developing a strategy for managing communication and change

Leveraging data and technology

Leveraging data and technology is among the services Eric Minoli provides. In leveraging data and technology, he does the following;

  • Improving your strategic planning via the use of data, technology, and innovation
  • Technology gap study for efficiency and process
  • Supporting the change by developing business cases
  •  Getting a sense of how new technologies, data, A.I., or Metaverse can bring your company into the 21st century.

Drive Digital and Business Transformation

When it comes to driving digital and business transformation, Minoli does the following;

  • Analysis of pain areas to be addressed and undiscovered chances to realize maximum potential.
  • Evaluation of a company’s response to new applications and current technology developments.
  •  Knowing your financial capabilities in order to shape your plan, establish goals, and determine the scope.
  •  Develop and execute a digital transformation strategy to guarantee that the company evolves in tandem with the evolving digital world.

How to guide the transformation?

When it comes to guiding digital transformation, there are several things to keep in mind;

  • Customer focus is very important.

This may appear like a no-brainer, but a few managers get caught up in the transformation blueprint and overlook if their objectives are in line with what the client wants. No business can prosper if it only looks at itself. Only businesses that concentrate on the customer have a chance of doing well.

  • Remember the past

The whole point of digital transformation is to create fresh realities and perspectives. But that doesn’t indicate you have to neglect who you are. It’s important to find out what problems your clients have encountered using outdated processes and products and then do what you need to do to fix them.

  • Make your goals clear

Your team can’t transform digitally if they don’t have adequate knowledge of their destination. Make the goal understandable so that everybody can work toward it effectively.

  • Work on rules and regulations

Too many rules and regulations can slow down digital transformation. In some companies, for example, IT does not interact with clients. But it is important to realize that the way to make products and interfaces that clients want is to bring advancement close to where they will be used.

  • Pay attention to the big picture

Focusing on the basics is the greatest way to get things done quickly. You can invariably return back and add more features. So ensure to keep the big picture in mind.

  • Cut off all ties

For digital transformation to happen, you have to be committed. People don’t find it easy to do well when they realize that there are other options. They can quickly give up when things get hard or when there isn’t much progress. But this should not be so. To see progress, endeavor to cut off all ties and focus on the work at hand.

What are the challenges of the transformation?

Digital transformation involves a lot of things, including the problems it brings. Here are a few of the challenges that come with digital transformation;

  • New software and technology that is hard to use

Software is complicated by nature. Some people are scared of new innovations. This is a big challenge for institutions going through a digital transformation, both from the point of view of configuration and data incorporation.

  • Getting people to use new tools and methods

People who have been doing things the same way for a long time often don’t want to adjust. The reason for this is that they think there are no issues with how they did things before and how they should be done now. Institutions must offer thorough recruitment coaching and ongoing employee productivity support for new software installations. This helps staff become efficient and skilled with a tool rapidly and helps them recognize the significance of these new procedures.

  • Not having the right IT abilities

For your attempts to change and become successful, you’ll require a skillful and effective IT team. And that type of team is hard to come by. This is the case, particularly now when there aren’t enough tech workers in the business world. Now you have all the keys to a successful digital transformation! Digital consultants such as Eric Minoli and Calimero Consulting are here to support you!